
Most things are just id'd once, so wc's might not be very accurate.
Special thanks to Biorn for helping me with id's and lending me his id book.

Name			|Type   |Stats							|Monster	|Updated	|Comments	
staff of death		|blunt	|wc ~34, wis 30, sp_regen 30, death 5%			|fraenz		|010723
frankensteins black staf|blunt	|wc ~26, int 6, spr 16, unholy_res 4			|frankenstein	|010723
rainstaff		|blunt	|wc ~26, wis 12, sp_regen 18, inflict harm 3		|zelda		|010723
long wooden staff	|blunt	|wc ~26, sp_regen 20, incinerate 4			|xacthar	|010725
krunch the adamantium ha|blunt	|wc ~40, str 15, doublehit 4, elec dmg			|?		|010725
mace of power		|blunt	|wc ~29, wis 7, int 7, mag dmg, combat special(s)	|athol		|010725
Name			|Type   |Stats							|Monster	|Updated	|Comments	
fanged dagger		|pierce	|wc ~40, dex 10, knowl of pre poi 5, ep refresh special	|morgrath	|010725		|
demon slicer		|pierce	|wc ~55, dex 12, unholy dmg, combat special		|jark		|010725
Name			|Type   |Stats							|Monster	|Updated	|Comments
long chain		|whip	|wc ~41, dex 7, lacerate 5				|?		|010725
demon's whip		|whip	|wc ~60, dex 20, whip w mast 5, lacer 4, asp dmg,comb sp|smoke demon	|010725
Name			|Type   |Stats							|Monster	|Updated	|Comments
titanium axe		|slash	|wc ~56, con 20, str 20, acid dmg, combat spec		|chimera	|010725
sword of devastation	|slash	|wc ~52, str 15, attack 4, cold damage			|?		|010725
bone handled longsword	|slash	|wc ~41, con 5, attack 3, bladed fury 3			|mantisman leade|010725
dimensional bender	|slash	|wc ~60, str 15, bladed fury 5, phys_res (v.lil)	|lizardman god	|010725
adamantite scimitar	|slash	|wc ~47, str 12, champ. lore 3, mag damage		|?		|010725
decapitator		|slash	|wc ~59, str 15, con 8, dmg 1, adv ww attack 4, mag dmg	|?		|010725
axe of denial		|slash	|wc ~58, str 10, dmg 2, blade dance 4, unholy dmg	|smoke demon	|010725
Name			|Type   |Stats							|Monster	|Updated	|Comments
dark red shield		|shield	|wc ~56, str 15, dex 5, phys_res 3			|lizardman god	|010723		|
eye of the beholder	|shield	|wc ~16, int 4, sp_regen 15, quick chant 5		|hive mother	|010723
shield of reflection	|shield	|wc ~52, con 10, avd_hits 3, asp_res 5, shld par	|smoke demon	|010725 
great boar shield	|shield	|wc ~41, hp_regen 18, mag_res (above avg)		|?		|010725
azarian battle shield	|shield	|wc ~14, wis 13, sp_regen 10				|special	|010725		|event eq
Name			|Slot   |Stats							|Monster	|Updated	|Comments
necklace of evil	|neck	|damage 2, str 25, dex 10				|fraenz		|010723		|
blackmon pendant	|neck	|hpr 8, spr 18, summon 5, mastery of navi 5		|blackmon	|010723		|
necklace of khan	|neck	|str 12, con 6, dodge 1					|?		|010725
Name			|Slot   |Stats							|Monster	|Updated	|Comments
dragon ring		|r_fing	|str 15, dragon possession 5, dragon strength 3		|xetrov		|010723		|
ring of order		|finger	|con 15, hpr 25, str 8, avoid_hits 1			|chimera	|010723		|
twisted metal ring	|finger	|dam 5, str 30						|sear		|010723		|
ruby ring		|finger	|sp_regen 15						|ruby		|010725
ring of chaos		|finger	|sp_regen 25, all_spells 2, wis 8, int 15		|chimera	|010725
whispering ring		|finger	|wis 5, sp_regen 16, infravision			|whisper	|010725
nenya			|finger	|wis 10, sp_regen 20					|galadriel	|010725		|old version, galadriel doesn't have it anymore
golden ring of ce'noba	|finger	|str 10, body control 3, phys_res (v. little)		|ce'noba	|010725
Name			|Slot   |Stats							|Monster	|Updated	|Comments
blackmon boots		|feet	|wis 14, spr 22, lengthen abjuration 4			|blackmon	|010723		|
dragonscale boots	|feet	|ep_regen 15, dex 30, throwing art 3			|galadriel	|010723		|
blue fluffy slipper	|r_foot	|sp_regen 11, int 18, cold_res 2, acid evoc 3		|xetrov		|010725
boots of lavos		|feet	|str 10, con 12, attack 5				|lavos		|010725
Name			|Slot   |Stats							|Monster	|Updated	|Comments
dark cloak		|cloak	|damage 2, str 10, dex 20				|xetrov		|010723		|
blackmon cloak		|cloak	|wis 8, int 12, ep_regen 18, sp_regen 18		|blackmon	|010723		|
shining cloak of mistwea|cloak	|sp_regen 14, in 8, unholy_res 4			|mistweaver	|010725
royal blue cloak	|cloak	|ep_regen 15						|?		|010725
azarian winged cloak	|cloak	|wis 10, sp_regen 11					|special	|010725		|gotten if you win an event
Name			|Slot   |Stats							|Monster	|Updated	|Comments
leg bone		|l_hand	|int 12, spr 12, mental tide 2				|hag		|010723		|
gloves of the dragon	|hands	|phys_res 2, dodge 5%, shield parry 2%			|Crystal king	|010723		|crystal king is not in game
clean glowing glove	|r_hand	|int 2, sp_regen 12, unholy_res 2			|shamen		|010723		|
golden gauntlets	|hands	|dam 1, con 6, dex 10, infravision			|link		|010723		|
oak leaf		|l_hand	|sp_regen 6, wis 6					|treebeard?	|010725		|treebeard just felt logical, don't know if it's correct =)
ash's gauntlet		|r_hand	|str 6, hp_regen 3					|bad ash	|010725
sticky green glove	|l_hand	|con 12, ep_regen 12, resist pain 5			|lizardman god	|010725
blob gloves		|hands	|int 9, sp_regen 9, phys_res (avg)			|blob		|010725		|event eq
Name			|Slot   |Stats							|Monster	|Updated	|Comments
black leggings of the ne|legs	|dex 25, sta 7, backstab 4, bleed 4			|fraenz		|010723		|
scarrab leggings	|legs	|							|chimera	|		|
Ench. mithril plate grea|legs	|damage 2, str 30, dex 15, attack 3%			|iron golem	|010723		|
bronze leg plate	|l_leg	|sp_regen 9, int 8					|chara		|010725
steel leg plate		|r_leg	|sp_regen 7, wis 10					|chara		|010725
copper leg plate	|r_leg	|dex 8, phys_res (v. little)				|chara		|010725
tin leg plate		|l_leg	|con 8, phys_res (v. little)				|chara		|010725
Name			|Slot   |Stats							|Monster	|Updated	|Comments
Mithril bplate of tiamat|torso	|dam 4, str 20, dex 14, dodge 3, refl dmg spec		|tiamat		|010723
blackmon platemail	|torso	|wis 14, int 7, spr 20, focus crystal energy 3		|blackmon	|010723
emerald breastplate	|torso	|dex 12, def prowess 4					|thorn		|010723
Really wicked witch robe|torso	|sp_regen 8, quick chant 1				|wicked witch	|010725
white silk robes	|torso	|wis 6, sp_regen 14, mag_res (high)			|?		|010725		|not sure, but think raene could be the monster...
firelord breastplate	|torso	|str 12, sta 4, deflect hit special			|		|010725
Name			|Slot   |Stats							|Monster	|Updated	|Comments
steel bracers		|arms	|sta 15, dex 30						|sear		|010723
blackmon armguard	|l_arm	|wis 5, spr 13, lore of the soil shamans		|blackmon	|010723
spiked bracers		|arms	|dam 3, str 20, dex 10, fists of fury 5			|iron golem	|010723
bleached out bracelets o|r_arm	|int 4, spr 17, high energy focus 2			|hag		|010723
studded armshield	|r_arm	|con 10, phys_res 2, shield parry 2			|-		|010723
leather armshield of tia|arms	|wis 32, sp_regen 18, healin eff 5, dedication 4	|tiamat		|010725
Name			|Slot   |Stats							|Monster	|Updated	|Comments
Wig			|head	|cha 25, epr 15, dex 25					|fraenz		|010723
satans pentagram	|head	|con 14, epr 9, phys_res 3				|satan		|010723
pearl of power		|head	|wis 10, int 10, spr 25					|xacthar	|010723		|
Name			|Slot   |Stats							|Monster	|Updated	|Comments
eye of the dragon(tarnis|amulet	|con 20, hpr 5, str 20, epr 15				|old tiamat	|010723		|not able to get this anymore
silver pendant		|amulet	|wis 12, spr 30, pious words 4				|galadriel	|010723
demented amulet		|amulet	|sp_regen 10, int 8					|?		|010725
small iron amulet	|amulet	|wis 5, sp_regen 11					|		|010725
red dragon scale	|amulet	|con 10, phys_res (above avg)				|		|010725
Name			|Slot   |Stats							|Monster	|Updated	|Comments
woo's platinum mask	|eyes	|str 22, infravision					|woo		|010723
glass eye of hag	|eyes	|wis 12, spr 20, mastery of fire 3			|hag		|010723
Name			|Slot   |Stats							|Monster	|Updated	|Comments
dragon belt		|belt	|con 10, avd_hits 3,dex 18,phys_res 1,stealth 		|tiamat		|010723
dragon sash		|belt	|sp_regen 16, wis 8, int 7				|sushin		|010725
belt of bones		|belt	|wis 5, con 10, sp_regen 16, inflict harm 3		|frankenstein?	|010725
purple belt		|belt	|int 16, sp_regen 25					|?		|010725
Name			|Slot   |Stats							|Monster	|Updated	|Comments

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Last updated: Wed jul 25 2001